Monday, 30 June 2014

As the tech world is progressing, the secrets of a successful business are being changed. Cloud computing offers huge advantages to your business and helps you to set up a digital office through which you can work anywhere and anytime. Information was made portable with the invention of portable devices such as CDs, DVDs and above all USB flash drives. But, cloud computing is likely to outclass them all as you can access your information that is saved on a cloud server through any computing device.

The introduction of the cloud computing has helped organizations around the world to cut off their expenditures spent on IT systems. Instead of setting up your own IT system that is likely to be quite expansive and you have to hire some experts to operate that, you can rather opt for a cloud computing service provider. You can save your energy cost that is to be consumed by hi-tech IT systems, wages that you will pay for IT experts and precious time. Although, cloud server providers take responsibility to protect your information, but, still, there is a sense of insecurity. But, if you Lock Files and then upload them on the cloud server, then your information will surely not be breached.

The cloud computing also lets you to work better as a team with workers working from different parts of the world. You upload the files that are needed to complete the task on the cloud server and give access to those workers. Every person maintains the changes in the files and all the workers are aware of the progress of the work. This helps companies to hire heterogeneous staff belonging from different parts of the world, having different cultures and ethnicity. This helps a company grow better. The kind of benefits cloud computing is offering to the business world, this surely is the future of effective computing.
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Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The majority of the computer users is aware of perils that they have to face regarding data security. But, still, they seem to be ignorant of the fact. They think that they are among the exceptions and hackers will not target him/her. Along with that, they feel hesitation in spending information security tools and run away from the complexities in protecting records. The fact is that, the is no complexity in protecting information and very little investment is required. If you Lock Files, neither you will have to work hard for it, nor you will have to spend much money for it. You will be having a number of advantages if you secure your information, three of them are given below.

Protection of Valuable Asset
Your information is one of the most precious asset that you have. No matter what kind of information you are handling, you need to keep it protected with due diligence. A small incident of data breach can cause you a lot of harm, probably more than you ever anticipated.
Original Ideas
In today’s world, the secret of being successful is being original. If you have creative and original ideas, you are likely to succeed in your field. But, what if your competitors able to extract out your ideas and use them for their good. Surely, it is a terrifying thought. But, if you have protected your ideas saved digitally, you will surely be a successful person in your respective field.
Keeping the Goodwill intact
Business spend years and years to make their mark. But, all the hard work of years gets harmed in a moment if your clients’ personal information gets leaked. You might have seen every now and then that a big company is being targeted by the online crooks and records of millions of clients get leaked. The company that faces such incident usually looses the priceless trust of their clients that cost them heavily.
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The difference between animals and humans is the difference between etiquette. Etiquette is the appropriate behavior for a specific time, place and environment. Just like you expect others to stop at a red light, or use their turn signals when changing lanes – the same type of etiquette should be expected of others when they use the internet. The etiquette that pertains to using internet is appropriately named netiquette. Sadly, not many users are aware of what netiquette is all about, or perhaps disregard the importance of it. Nonetheless, this article is all about netiquette and how to practice it. Accordingly, the following sets of factors are an integral part of this good practice, and should be practiced religiously.
  1. When posting on blogs, forums or even writing email, avoid using all caps. The reader may feel that you are experiencing an emotional outburst and may not take your message seriously or interpret it in the wrong context.
  2. When we speak to someone, people can pick-up on our emotions and can generally interpret how we are feeling. However, writing and expressing emotions at the same time takes some skill. One way to make sure that your reader knows how you feel is to use emotions such as smiley, frowns etc.
  3. When writing a message, keep it focused and to the point. Don’t deviate from your main point and pay attention to its length. Make sure it’s not too long or too short, just enough to keep your reader interested and focused on your point of view.
  4. Think about what your write on forums, news website or social media websites. Your message could potentially land you into hot water. In fact, there have been several reported cases of people getting in trouble due to their twitter or facebook status message.
  5. When sending emails, make sure define the subject line. Be as clear as you can about your topic. If your topic is misleading or uninteresting, your intended audience may delete it immediately.
  6. Think of your email as a public message instead of a private one. In addition, always proof-read your email before sending it. Small typographical mistakes can mislead others into thinking your lack competence. 
Other precautions to take:
Don’t share personal information about yourself or others on the internet. Personal Information such as addresses, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers and the like can lead to incidents of identity theft. Other than that, sensitive information stored on computers is also susceptible, as hackers can wirelessly intercept data on personal computers and devices using sophisticated hacking software. As a precaution, users should encrypt all personal information using dedicated encryption software, and secure all data on portable devices such as Secure USB, that is developed for the purpose of securing data on portable devices.
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Monday, 23 June 2014

Information technology is the best thing that happened to us since the discovery of the wheel. The wheel enabled man to revolutionize the transportation system. Before the wheel, ancient humans had to use several animals to transport goods from point A to point B. Then, someone in the fourth millennium invented the wheel – though there’s an ongoing debate as to who invented – whoever did invent the wheel, changed our world for the better. However, fixing a wheel or inventing it is a straightforward process; anyone could have invented the wheel. On the other hand, Information security is a whole new arena; only experts in that line know how to best resolve information security issues. Information security came about through Information technology, the internet has opened up the virtual doors of information and entertainment. It has become an integral part of our lives; entire businesses have based themselves primarily through information technology – in essence creating new economic dynamics.  
Thus, wherever you look, the internet has become an integral part of everyday workflow processes. From logistics, marketing, human resources and finance, all line of works require the internet in order to function competitively and normally. Sadly, this widespread demand for the internet has also given rise to information security threats. Hackers and e-terrorists have taken advantage of the internet’s resiliency to share and exchange information through borders. Consequently, combined with lack of international enforcement for e-crime and differentiating laws between borders, these criminals have launched a new war against corporations and governments. On the Micro level, some have realized that targeting unsuspecting individuals can also be fruitful, as majority of folks do not encrypt their personal information through software which can act as a virtual Folder Lock.
On the other hand, most large organizations – those who realize the threat or have suffered a hacking incident – know the real importance of having an information security expert working full-time for their organization. In fact, this realization has been so strong that it has created a new position for data security analysts and related fields. Consequently, a recent surge in hack attacks on large organizations has increased the demand for such professionals, creating a shortage of these talented professionals. Organizations are now worried, citing concerns about their preparedness to withstand a hacking incident.
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Security Software
People that enjoy a peaceful sleep of six to eight hours are literally amongst the luckiest of the people. The majority of the keep turning on the bed and adjusting their blankets throughout the night. Those people stay sleepy, grumpy and tiredness can easily be seen on their faces. They do not look fresh with all the dark circles under their eyes and their concentration level also drops. That is why, having a good sleep is extremely important to stay healthy and active. People with good sleeping habits do well in their professional life as well as personal and social life. Here is some of he guidelines that improve your sleep.

Exercise helps in getting good sleep
If you exercise daily in the morning, it improves your sleeping habit. By doing exercise daily, hormones like melatonin boost and help you in getting a pleasant sleep. But, remember, not to exercise just before going to bed as it warms you up and will not let you sleep.
Keep your bedroom environment pleasant and comfortable
Bedroom ambience matters a lot regarding having a good sleep. At the time of sleeping, if you room is completely dark, suitable temperature and no distraction such as a noisy clock or the television kind of thing, then you likely have a pleasant sleep. Television is a big distraction in the bedroom and affects your sleeping habit.
Do not force yourself to sleep
Study has proven and you might also have experienced it that when you try to sleep early as possible, you feel anxiety and unable to sleep. That is why, you do not need to force yourself to fall asleep. Just lay down on your bed with a perfect environment, if you are unable to sleep, leave your bed and wait until you get drowsy.
Eat something before sleeping
It is recommendable by the experts to have light and healthy snacks just before going to bed. Eating some fruit or having a warm glass of milk gives you a sense of comfort. Empty stomach will not let you sleep. But, do not have a proper meal before two to three hours before going to sleep. If you have eaten a full meal, you stomach may feel cramps or you may feel discomfort while lying down.
Be tension free when in bed
If you are stressed, it will keep you awake for sure. Either you ignore it or you solve your issues before going to bed. Solving every issue might not be possible as there can some big issues bothering you. But, worries such as you might get your data stolen can be kept away if you use quality Security Software. Make sure that you do not over think while sleeping, in this way; your mind keeps making scenarios and does not let you have a pleasant rest.
Do not take alcohol or caffeine before going to bed
If you have caffeine or alcohol right before going to bed, you will stay up keeping your eyes wide open. The snacks you take before going to sleep should not have chocolate as it has caffeine in it that acts as a stimulant.
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Security Software

Friday, 20 June 2014

The tech world is nothing if new innovations and hype stops surrounding it. Every new activity in the tech world is superior, more polished, and seems to be more effective than the last piece of movement that’s taken place in the tech world. The giants that control this world has made a perception that if you do not follow the newest trends of this glittering world, you will be left out. As new innovations and prosperity in any other field of life has some pros and cons, the same case is with the tech world. The critiques of the tech world are usually found to keep only the benefits of the new invention in the spotlight and cover the negatives of such invention from the people.
The dark sides of these technological developments need to be disclosed to make sure the people’s security. So what are the hazards of the tech world that are undiscovered? Following are some of the hidden dangers of technological development.

The hidden peril of Tablets as PC replacements
As the world is progressing, things are becoming more and more portable with every new invention. There was a time when people used to work on heavy duty and ugly looking computers, but at time elapsed laptop substituted those big heavy duty computers. Now, a few years back these laptops were also replaced by tablets. Tablets are touch screen devices having no keyboard or any cables to be connected, having all the capabilities of an ordinary computer. But, the fact is that the tablet is not the perfect alternate for a computer/laptop. Error free fast typing skills definitely need a physical keyboard not a digital one. That is perhaps the only reason that laptops have not yet perfectly sidelined by the tablet PCs. These tablet PCs are not also the safest of all, due to its small size they are easy to steal, imagine how much a lost PC can harm you, same is the case with tablet PCs.
The undisclosed risks of the Big DataBig data have been a new sensation in the tech world, there is an opinion that big data has even more than data then the internet. Big data track the activities of users and help them find their desired results accordingly. However, this big data is also being used by companies to promote their data to the desired people by tracking cyber movements. The negative side of the big data is that it exposes all the personal activities and gives a relatively easy way to hackers to perform their harmful actions.
The unnoticed threat of Social MediaSocial media has changed the concept of a true friend; it has faded the meaning of ‘friend in need is the friend indeed’. Unfortunately, people have started to measure their friends circle by the number of friends on social media. The bitter truth is that, these friends are usually unknown people and may hurt you financially by hacking or even physically. Such a case was reported in the US recently when a 15 year old girl was kidnapped and murdered by a person who met her or Facebook. Social media is not really the safest place to hang out with friends. Other than that social media is involved in exposing your confidential information to the cyber criminals. These e-crooks can easily access to your information and exploit it for their own good. The continuous development in the tech world has made the world a global village, but, this village is exposed to a number of threats. Internet users are always on target to be harmed; these threats are just one click away to hunt your privacy and security. To survive this modern world which is full of perils you need to keep yourself safe from these risks. The easiest way to secure oneself is to use data security software like Folder Lock that allows the fastest encryption of your files and offers all the necessary weapons to tackle these dangers.
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Thursday, 19 June 2014

If you are a business person, you might have some sensitive information saved in your computer. Your computer may have financial information, clients’ information, business strategies or any similar records. All these sorts of data are sensitive and can harm fiercely if it gets leaked. Losing financial information such as account numbers, capital information or credit card numbers, if your financial records get compromised, you can easily be a fraud victim or can face some other perils as well. Similarly, the loss of clients’ credentials can result in a decline in your goodwill in the business world. So, be sure that your records are secured from getting leaked, for the purpose, you need to opt for some measures that are nor complicated neither expansive, but, you just ignore them.

Establish Policies Regarding the Use of Data
If you are not willing to hand over your business’ information to your employees, notify them clearly. Make policies that no worker would carry any computing device out of the office, the portable drives that belong to the business will remain within the office premises, no personal devices will be used to perform official tasks. But, be sure that what policies you establish, you implement them too diligently.
Enforce Strong Password Policy
Usually, employees seem to be quite careless while setting up passwords for their official accounts. They use generic passwords like 12345, qwerty or similar passwords. Being an employer, you have to make sure that employees chose passwords diligently that are complex and harm to guess. Simple passwords are like locking a door and leaving the key inserted.
Use Antivirus Software and Keep it up to date
Antivirus plays an extremely important role in keeping your information safe. There is malware that infects your computer and gives online crooks a safe passage to get to your database. Keeping an antivirus software will not allow malware to strike your computer. Keep it up to date so that the latest infectious programs that hackers engineer can be neutralized by your anti-malware software.
Use of Firewall
The firewall can tackle some of the unprofessional cyber criminals that try to get into your database. However, it is not much effective solely, but, if used with antivirus software, it can really protect your information.
Keep Control Over Emails
Keep tracking the emails that are sent from your office and that are being received. Forbid your employees from downloading vague files attachment in the emails as they can contain malware. Fore your employees not to send any personal emails from the office network as employees can easily send out delicate records via emails.
Use of Security Software
When your critical data is on the verge of getting breach every moment. It is your responsibility to be sure that you use such security software that can Lock Files and does not allow crooks to get into your database. Otherwise, you can be a victim of hazardous information theft victim.
These were some of the measures that will definitely help making your information secure and will protect you from expansive losses. No matter what sort of critical records you have, if you take these steps, they will surely be going to help you in keeping your data secured.
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Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Whenever you think of data breach, the first cause that pops up in your mind is a devilish genius extracting out sensitive information by hacking. Well, hack attack is a big cause of data leakage, but, it is not the only one that compromises your information. But, there are some huge threats that are imposed on your information security. One of those causes is none other than the employees of a company themselves. As per the record suggests, about more thirty nine percent of the companies say that negligent employees are the one that has contributed huge in leaking the sensitive information. The majority of data breach incidents occurred last year were due to the insiders. Here are some effective measures that can help tackle this risk.

The employees of a company do not always leak information intentionally, many of times, the records get breached unintentionally as well. Educating your employees is the key solution to tackle this threat of insider that unintentionally leak your information. Tell your employees about the best practices regarding data security. Make your workers aware of the practices that are not good in the cause of security sensitive information and avoid them to quit those practices. When your employees will get aware of the facts that are the practices to follow and what are the ones to quit, they are likely to be careful and your information will not be compromised.

Apart from educating employees, there is another thing that you should do is to use security software that can help protecting delicate records. USB flash drives are widely used to steal information. If you block the access of unknown USB flash drives by using USB Block, it can help your cause of securing data. You need to make strong policies regarding data security and implement them completely. Keep an  eye on the flow of information, what records are coming in and what are going out. Which is what kind of information at a certain time. Keeping such tracking will help you to identify the culprit in case of incident of data breach.
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Monday, 16 June 2014

The World Wide Web has certainly made everyday living a convenience for most of us. Though, just like all great things, one must be responsible in how they utilize this invaluable tool.  Several websites require mandatory registration, forcing users to disclose their personal information –individual data that could be good as gold. Thus, how one can safeguard this so called “gold” all depends on his or her knowledge of the internet. On the other hand, not everyone knows how to safely utilize the internet; therefore the following information contains a list of most common data security mistakes people make.
You instinctively enter your real information, even though it is not necessary:                                                                                                           
You really don’t have to enter your real name, birthday or your address unless you feel it’s absolutely necessary.  If you can get away with entering false information – given that it’s not against the law –then you should avoid entering your real information.
You hate changing your passwords:
It is likely that you have several online accounts; so many that you probably lost count by now. Consequently, you have several different set of credentials to remember – the fact that we are able to memorize them is astonishing. In good practice, you should always change your passwords frequently, regardless of how tedious you may find the procedure.
Your password and username are all the same:
There is a slight risk in using the same password and username for all of your accounts. Consequently, hackers already know this, and once a single account has been hacked, it becomes easier for a hacker to crack the rest of your accounts. Therefore, avoid using the same set of credentials for all online accounts.
You overlook virus alerts:
When you receive a virus alert, do you simply ignore it? Well, you shouldn’t. Viruses such as the infamous “heart bleed” virus have the capability to hack your entire back account, not leaving even a single penny behind. Therefore, consistently update your antivirus software, which can prevent such viruses from collecting your personal details such as bank account login credentials. In addition, sensitive data saved on your PC should be encrypted with software designed to Lock Folder(s).
You don’t bother to look at details on your credit-card statements:
If you don’t account for every single charge on your credit-card, then you should start doing it right now. Sometimes, a small unauthorized charge on your credit-card can indicate that your personal information has been comprised.
You don’t look up your credit score:
Looking up your credit score can sometimes reveal minute abnormalities; a sudden drop in your credit-score could be a sign of identity theft. If you feel that your credit-score is not as low as it should be, then this is something that you should be concerned about.
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Friday, 13 June 2014

The information security usually based on what kind of data you have to secure. The usability of the data and the mode transition also has to be taken into consideration while planning the security measures for information.  If you talk to some security experts, some of them might advise you to set up firewalls; some will suggest you to opt for antivirus software or some other sophisticated programs. This all depends on the kind of data you have. However, there are some common measures that all entrepreneurs can go for and they are quite effective as well.

Setting up Strong Passwords

The basic principle of maintaining security is to set up strong passwords. The majority of people tend to ignore the importance of setting complex passwords. More than 50 percent of the computer users set passwords like ‘12345” or “qwerty” or similar simple passwords. Keeping your date of birth or important dates as passwords is like inviting trouble. A complex password is the one that has 8 to 12 characters containing lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols. It is advised that not to use letters that are located close to each other on the keyboard. The password is the Frontline defense.

Use Antivirus Software

Using antivirus software is absolutely necessary to keep your data security intact. It blocks the malware programs that actually give online criminals a passage to steal your information. But, just keeping the anti-malware will not help your cause. You have to keep updating it regularly so that it can fight the latest infectious programs that can infect your computer. If you do not update it on a regular basis, it will not be able to tackle the new threats hackers would win the battle.

Use Security Software

 If somehow hackers succeed to get access to your computer, would there be any hurdle to stop them? There cannot be any hurdle unless you put one. Use security software such as Folder Lock. The Software encrypts your data and maintain an automatic backup that does not allow to lose your information. The security of software is so tight that it gets impossible for the data thieves to break through it and get access to your information.

Be Very Careful Regarding Emails

Usually people tend to overlook the threat that is enclosed in the email messages. The attached links or files are clicked or downloaded by users without giving a thought that it might risk their security. Similarly, be very careful while sending emails. Confirm the email address on which you are sending an e-message. There are thousands of cases reported where people sent sensitive information to strangers because of entering wrong email addresses. Try to send encrypted emails, so that they cannot be extracted out while they are on the way to the recipient or if sent to a wrong email address, he/she cannot open it.

Keeping your information secure is your basic responsibility. You just cannot blame the thieves if they steal your information that was not secured by you. Knowing the sensitivity of your information and opting for the security accordingly will help securing your data better.

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Thursday, 12 June 2014

The technology has made everything portable whether you talk about phones, data storing devices or even computers. Laptops are being used all around the widely and by people involved in every profession. It has almost replaced the desktop PCs from the workplaces as well as from homes. It does not occupy a large space and can be kept and can be used by keeping it even on the lap anywhere you like. You can use your laptop in your balcony, in the park or while traveling. The portable computers do not require a bunch of wires to operate.

If you are an entrepreneur, you can take your laptop anywhere in the world that means you will be able access your data from anywhere in the world. But, traveling with a laptop is not that much safe and you need to be quite careful. Every year, thousands of laptops are lost and stolen that compromise data security. The person that will steal the laptop might sell your laptop, but, the main loss would be of the data that will get compromised. Other than that, if you leave your laptop somewhere by mistake, any person can extract out your personal information by simply plugging in a USB drive and copy it on that flash drive. In order to protect your information from such an incident, use USB Block that will not allow any unauthorized flash drive to be functional on your laptop.

Although, there is a severe threat associated with the use of laptops, but, they are easy to tackle but, very easy to tackle. So, keep using laptop and enjoy taking your laptop everywhere with. It is one of the best inventions that has truly blessed the computer users. Taking some precautions can save you from expansive losses and life long regrets as well. Beware of the risks that  are associated with the use of laptops.
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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

You might get surprised to know that the majority of the employees that switched the job in the last year stolen their employees’ sensitive information. Nearly 50 to 60 percent of the employees that quit his job or get fired, tend to take information of the previous employee with him or her. This act can be done intentionally as well as unintentionally. But, whatever the intention is, the threat is lethal and can harm you a lot, so you better take precautions to protect such an incident. The ex-employees can steal data to sell it to their competitors in return of a bribe or can hand it over to another business just because of his anger or frustration that he had with his ex-employer.

According to a research, about 70 percent of the time, data is stolen by the permanent employees. Almost 10 percent of the time, the information is carried away by the part time workers. Outsourced workers contribute 8 percent in data theft, almost 6 percent by temporary workers and about 6 percent by offshore workers in information leakage. It seems like all sorts of employees are involved in data theft incidents, so, it is better to secure your information. Usually, employees use a USB flash drive as their weapon to steal information, if you use USB Block, you can neutralize this small weapon that can cause huge losses.

A small incident of data breach incidents can cause huge losses. Suppose, a business loses its clients’ email list, what effect will it cause to the business? It may cause you financial loss as you are likely to lose your clients and the revenue you used to generate by doing business with them and it may harm your goodwill as you will lose clients’ trust and your reputation will be harmed as well. Organizations’ data is too sensitive and can easily exploit, which is why it needs to be secured diligently. Take proper steps to make sure it is protected; otherwise, you will keep regretting your carelessness.
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Friday, 6 June 2014

The Apple’s iPhone is undoubtedly lies among the best Smartphone of the world. The smart handset that is stuffed with useful features facilitating its users for a number of years. As the time passed, the iPhone became better and improved. But, the time has also exposed some of the loopholes present in the stylish Smartphone. Crooks have worked hard to exploit the unknown deficiencies available in the iOS and tried to take advantage of it. Hence, here are some of the loopholes that have been discovered in the iPhone that can compromise your information security. You need to make sure that you take some measures to avoid any data breach incident through your dear iPhone.

Enable Pass code with Difficult Password
Setting up the pass code is the first step towards your security, so do not avoid it. But, just enabling the feature will not help your cause. You have to set up a strong password for it. As per the research of Daniel Amitay, 1234, 1111, 2580, 0000 and similar ordinary passwords are the most common ones among the users. You need to make sure that the password you set up is tough to guess and easy to remember and is not linked with your personality directly as it can be easy to figure out.
Disable the Preview of SMS on the Locked Screen
The iPhone is equipped with a handy default feature of previewing the SMS on the locked screen. It is feasible for users as he/she can see the text message without unlocking the screen. But, it can compromise your information security. There are many websites and other sensitive organizations that send you security code or verification code via SMS. So, if your iPhone is placed somewhere and such verification code appears on the screen in your absence, anyone can note that code down and can access your sensitive records afterwards. Keeping the threat in the view, you should disable the preview option.
Use of Security App
Although, Apple’s iPhone has quite a secured Operating System, but, still, there is a small margin of error. That tiny margin of error can hurt you big time if it is successfully exploited by a crook. To serve your purpose, you have to use some sort of data security application such as Folder Lock for iPhone that can secure every type of data you have saved in your beloved iPhone. Apple’s iOS is extremely stable and using such security application can make your data security foolproof.
Disable Auto filling Feature
There can be a possibility that you have to handover your iPhone to someone on some emergency, can leave your iPhone in someone's custody by mistake or can be picked up by somebody in your absence. In that case, if he/she opens your browser and access to some sign up or any other form, your iPhone remembers the information you enter and it auto fills the form. In that case, all your sensitive information can be compromised, such as credit card numbers, back account numbers and similar information that can harm you if get leaked. That is why it is necessary to disable autofill feature.
These are some of the features that are offered by the iPhone to facilitate its users, but, these features can also be abused by crooks. So, you need to be aware of the pros and cons of different features and use them accordingly.
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