Monday, 23 June 2014

Information technology is the best thing that happened to us since the discovery of the wheel. The wheel enabled man to revolutionize the transportation system. Before the wheel, ancient humans had to use several animals to transport goods from point A to point B. Then, someone in the fourth millennium invented the wheel – though there’s an ongoing debate as to who invented – whoever did invent the wheel, changed our world for the better. However, fixing a wheel or inventing it is a straightforward process; anyone could have invented the wheel. On the other hand, Information security is a whole new arena; only experts in that line know how to best resolve information security issues. Information security came about through Information technology, the internet has opened up the virtual doors of information and entertainment. It has become an integral part of our lives; entire businesses have based themselves primarily through information technology – in essence creating new economic dynamics.  
Thus, wherever you look, the internet has become an integral part of everyday workflow processes. From logistics, marketing, human resources and finance, all line of works require the internet in order to function competitively and normally. Sadly, this widespread demand for the internet has also given rise to information security threats. Hackers and e-terrorists have taken advantage of the internet’s resiliency to share and exchange information through borders. Consequently, combined with lack of international enforcement for e-crime and differentiating laws between borders, these criminals have launched a new war against corporations and governments. On the Micro level, some have realized that targeting unsuspecting individuals can also be fruitful, as majority of folks do not encrypt their personal information through software which can act as a virtual Folder Lock.
On the other hand, most large organizations – those who realize the threat or have suffered a hacking incident – know the real importance of having an information security expert working full-time for their organization. In fact, this realization has been so strong that it has created a new position for data security analysts and related fields. Consequently, a recent surge in hack attacks on large organizations has increased the demand for such professionals, creating a shortage of these talented professionals. Organizations are now worried, citing concerns about their preparedness to withstand a hacking incident.
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