The difference between animals and humans is the difference between etiquette. Etiquette is the appropriate behavior for a specific time, place and environment. Just like you expect others to stop at a red light, or use their turn signals when changing lanes – the same type of etiquette should be expected of others when they use the internet. The etiquette that pertains to using internet is appropriately named netiquette. Sadly, not many users are aware of what netiquette is all about, or perhaps disregard the importance of it. Nonetheless, this article is all about netiquette and how to practice it. Accordingly, the following sets of factors are an integral part of this good practice, and should be practiced religiously.
- When posting on blogs, forums or even writing email, avoid using all caps. The reader may feel that you are experiencing an emotional outburst and may not take your message seriously or interpret it in the wrong context.
- When we speak to someone, people can pick-up on our emotions and can generally interpret how we are feeling. However, writing and expressing emotions at the same time takes some skill. One way to make sure that your reader knows how you feel is to use emotions such as smiley, frowns etc.
- When writing a message, keep it focused and to the point. Don’t deviate from your main point and pay attention to its length. Make sure it’s not too long or too short, just enough to keep your reader interested and focused on your point of view.
- Think about what your write on forums, news website or social media websites. Your message could potentially land you into hot water. In fact, there have been several reported cases of people getting in trouble due to their twitter or facebook status message.
- When sending emails, make sure define the subject line. Be as clear as you can about your topic. If your topic is misleading or uninteresting, your intended audience may delete it immediately.
- Think of your email as a public message instead of a private one. In addition, always proof-read your email before sending it. Small typographical mistakes can mislead others into thinking your lack competence.
Other precautions to take:
Don’t share personal information about yourself or others on the internet. Personal Information such as addresses, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers and the like can lead to incidents of identity theft. Other than that, sensitive information stored on computers is also susceptible, as hackers can wirelessly intercept data on personal computers and devices using sophisticated hacking software. As a precaution, users should encrypt all personal information using dedicated encryption software, and secure all data on portable devices such as Secure USB, that is developed for the purpose of securing data on portable devices.
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