Tuesday 3 December 2013

Even after horrifying data security concerns, Android has the most number of users around the globe. The reason for that is the wide ranges of devices that use Google’s Operating System, especially the range of price help the OS to grow. iPhone and Windows Phones are not affordable by the middle class and lower middle class people, whereas, Android has fulfilled the dream of those people who cannot afford expansive smartphones. However, due to the lack of data security measures, the organizations are reluctant for opting for the Android Operating System. But, there are certainly some remedies that can make the Google’s OS secure regarding data.
Keep your phone lock:
There is a common saying “Something is better than nothing”, acting on this principle; you must keep your Android device locked with the basic built in screen lock. Do not be lethargic of entering a 4 digit PIN, without this initial screen lock, your Android device is like an open book from which someone can take your personal information out of it. Android has also introduced the face recognition feature also to unlock the screen, but, it can be bullied by putting a picture of that person in front of the front camera. Google is trying to improve these features in the upcoming versions of the OS. Other than that, pattern lock is also kind of an identity of Google. The risk with the pattern lock is that, a clever crook can extract out the pattern by holding the phone in a right direction and see directions of finger swapping.
Keep your device equip with Antivirus:
Google’s Operating System is a perfect platform for the programmers that engineer malware applications. Apart from Google Play, there are hundreds of app store that have unverified Android applications, and some of them can be infectious. That is why it is necessary to keep a reliable antivirus program. The antivirus restricts the mal programs from getting installed in the device and refrain it from running on it. In any Android device, antivirus is a must have app.
Use security application:
Security application like Folder Lock for Android that can password protect your personal pictures, videos, audio files, documents and any every other sort of data should be used to make your information secure. Using such application does not allow your data from falling into the hands of some kind of criminal that can exploit your personal data and can make you suffer a loss.
Download applications from Google Play and check apps permission:
As you know it well that Android has some serious data security threats due to a large number of app store that offer services to the people to download Android apps. It is not possible for Google to verify the millions of apps that are engineered and uploaded every day, so download apps only from the official app store of Google. Other than that, pay attention to the pop ups that appear during downloading of an app. If the OS or antivirus warns you from downloading any application, drop the idea of running that app on your Android device.
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