Sunday, 14 December 2014

Folder Locking Software
Data breach incidents are really a nightmare for businesses as well as for the individuals. It takes about $20,000 for a large scale company to get back to routine somewhat do damage control work after suffering a data breach incident, that too takes nearly a month to do so. The situation has gotten so bad that a company suffers almost a loss of $640,000 on leaking data once that has risen up by almost 23 percent as compared to last year’s cost per data breach. According to the tech experts, this cost of data breach is likely to follow the increasing trend in the upcoming years as well.

The Ponemon institute that surveyed nearly 257 companies in seven different countries and came to know that almost 1,700 attacks suffered by firms that resulted in a loss of $639,462 on an average, which really terrifying. It was also revealed that the majority of the firms was not taking proper measures to secure their records. However, if firms have used Folder Locking Software, the scenario would have been much better than it is at the moment. But, as people are lethargic regarding securing their data, so, they will suffer such heavy losses.

The average cost of cyber crime per company is the US lonely was $12.7 million per record and US companies as per the report has been successfully targeted for about 122 times this year. It is surely a big number. Malicious hacker attacks and the threat from the insider employees of companies are the most dangerous threats to any business’ information security. In order to make sure that your data does not get leaked, make use of antivirus software along with firewalls that keep hackers and other malware programs away from your database. You need to be attentive and cautious to stay safe from this deadly risk.

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