Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Folder Lock
Press Release— Beaverton, Oregon – December,9,2014 – Folder Lock - According to a tribunal decision in the United Kingdom, spying on personal data is not a violation of human rights. The British intelligence agency and the NSA have the right to look at whosever data they feel is suspicious.  The right to access personal data is protected under the Powers Act that provides the UK government legal grounds to spy on your data. Privacy rights group have already launched an appeal against this tribunal decision, citing it violates British human rights. Privacy rights groups have also filed a petition with European human rights courts under article 8 and 10, which promises the right to privacy and freedom of expression.  

However, according to data security expert, Ian Murphy, it is likely that the courts will be on the plaintiff’s side. Organizations such as the NSA and British intelligence agency will continue to collect users’ data, and there is nothing the courts can do to prevent it.
Today, users’ personal information holds far more value than anyone could imagine.  From a marketing standpoint, corporation can collect users’ information and use them to figure out consumer preferences – enabling companies to create targeted ads that result in far higher turnovers. Spy agencies sort through personal data to figure who’s a terrorist and who’s a criminal. Such an act by the authorities not only makes criminals uneasy, but it also worries average – law abiding citizens – who value their privacy.

According to Murphy, users saving data on cloud can prevent such organizations from spying on their data, all they have to do is use user-level encryption, meaning, encrypting individual files and folders before they are uploaded to the cloud. Software such as Folder Lock is an excellent example of encryption software that works best in this sense.

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