Monday, 22 December 2014

Folder Lock

Data breaches are far from being a distant memory – in fact don’t count on them being eliminated in the near – or perhaps in the distant future for that matter. An independent study revealed that organizations are focusing too much on external threats, whereas most of the threats that can have a significant negative impact lie within the organization – threats from existing employees. In addition, it was also found that attackers were more likely to go after data stored on the cloud, rather than stationary. Consequently, those who have adopted cloud computing have a good reason to shake in their boots.

Among the most valued data pertains to health care. Data on health care have been on the radar list of criminals because it can easily be monetized. Data sold to insurance companies can be used to provide intimate health care details about beneficiaries – enabling the insurance companies to raise or lower health care premiums.  Experts have agreed that breaches in 2015 will see an upsurge, and the importance of securing corporate and personal data will be paramount. Other pieces of digital information such as private images and videos have also been valuable to e-criminals due to the value they hold in blackmailing people. 

Stolen personal content can hold great value.
Consequently, due to the rise in e-crime, people have begun shifting their data to the cloud, as many feel that the cloud is the safest place for their data. Contrary to what people believe, as mentioned earlier, the cloud has been in the cross hair for some time and hackers have worked hard to crack the cloud – and in the past have done so – because cracking the cloud promises the personal data of millions of users that’s there for the taking.  

So, how can the average business or the average person secure his or her data? The answer is complicated yet the solution is simple. First, you cannot truly trust your cloud service to keep your data safe, because hackers will sooner or later gain access to your personal information. Data should first be encrypted and then be uploaded to cloud – meaning encrypt your files before your upload it to an encrypted server. This way, there is encryption at user level and then there is encryption on the server level – making it impossible to crack your files. So, what kind of software can encrypt your individual files? Well, software such as Folder Lock can encrypt individual files or folders ranging from several terabytes to a few gigabytes and users can upload them to a dedicated secure cloud server if they like.

According to most information security experts, the only true means of protecting data is through encryption, and if your data isn’t encrypted, its safety isn’t guaranteed – hence, your safety isn’t guaranteed. Since the internet is largely unregulated, you cannot rely on internet enforcement authorities, leaving you to defend for yourself. Thus, those who have adequate level of protection will be immune, while those who could care less about encrypting their data can end up losing more than they bargained for.

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