Monday, 17 June 2013

The average cost per data leakage has been raised up to £2 from £1.04 within a year. The situation is alarming. Employees’ negligence is the biggest reason of losing data; companies should create awareness in employees regarding data security.

According to the latest report of cost of data breach 2013 issued by Symantec and the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach has been risen up to £2. This cost has been raised from £1.04 to £2 in a short span of time of a year. As the report suggests, the majority of data breach incidents are the result of employee negligence. Employees lose their portable drives that contain delicate information related to the company they are working with. Another cause of data leakage is lack of security measures. The average cost of a data breach has risen in the consecutive sixth year; it is such an alarming fact.  Hackers are also a general cause of data breaches, and it can harm more than the data breach through human error. But, still negligence of employees is still a bigger cause of data leakage. Companies need to train their employees regarding data security; they need to establish policy to protect data from leakage. They need to make the employees understood their responsibility of taking care of confidential data of the company. According to a research, only 25 percent of the companies make policies to secure data and out of these 25 percent only about 13 percent of the companies implement them.
It is advisable to use security software that can Password Protect USB Drive; using security software reduces the probability of getting data leaked. The study conducted by Symantec and the Ponemon Institute also shows that customers do not lose faith on the company even after their personal data leakage. But, the fact is that no one likes his/her personal information to reach in the wrong hands and being exploited. There are cases being reported where companies have suffered losses that cost millions of Dollars, certainly not all companies can bare these losses. So it is better to take precaution than to cry over the spilt milk.
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