Monday, 15 September 2014

Some of you may have heard the term “BYOD”, what does that mean – you may be wondering? It simply means bring your own device. Whether you’re on the train, bus or aircraft, there’s no need for in-flight entertainment, all thanks to the BYOD revolution. One can watch movies, play games, view presentations or surf the internet (given there’s wireless internet connectivity) while travelling. Most security experts feel that BYOD poses new security challenges for IT security professionals. Users with their own devices are at an increased risk of being attacked by e-stalkers (those who surf the networks scanning for vulnerable devices). Places where free Wi-Fi is available are teaming with hackers and crackers – waiting for the most weakest of victims. So how do people become targets? It’s simple, hackers and users are usually on the same free Wi-Fi network which is mostly unsecured. Using sophisticated hacking software, criminals are able to force their way into people’s devices for the purpose of stealing personal data. We may not know it, but our Android smart phones contain more personal information than we realize. Simple bits of information such your name, address and driver’s license number can be found in your smart phone, giving criminals all the leverage they need to steal your identity.
According to data security analyst at Inc., Ian Murphy – the BYOD has significantly shifted the way information over the internet is shared. He quotes “in the past, one had to have a stationary device such as desktop computer to access and share information, with BYOD, that’s no longer the case – small handheld, yet powerful smart phones, capable of connecting the internet, many with high-speed connections such as 4g have revolutionized the IT world. However, such trends have propelled e-crime, and users are more at risk than in the past.”
Murphy suggests that users should lock their personal data using a data security app, one such great example of a data security app is Folder Lock Pro.
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