Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Do you remember the early 90’s? Well, if you do, then you probably could recall your first home PC. A personal computer back then was a thing of a marvel. It allowed us to insert a diskette/floppy and save data on it – and for some data, you have to use multiple floppy disks – you would be promoted to insert the next disk and so on – in order to access the data. Perhaps you also remember the very first computer game you played – remember Doom? Then, sometime around the mid 90’s, the internet was introduced to consumers. You had to dial-up using a 56K modem and had to input your username and password every time you had to connect to the internet. During the connection process, it made funny sounds, such as hums and screeches – and by the sound – you knew how long till connection is established.  As time passed along, things technology became more sophisticated – accordingly the internet got faster – resulting in more interactive and flashy websites. As the internet became a virtual marketplace, people began setting up an online business and a new market was created. Tech companies emerged along with e-commerce. Companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple and other further grew as the internet grew. Then a race started for the domination of ecommerce, Google, Microsoft and Apple were neck in neck – and they still are today.

As a result, today, a new wave of computing has emerged known as mobile computing. People are abandoning their laptops/desktops and instead relying solely on their tablets and smart phones.  These devices enable people to have an insurmountable level of freedom, giving them the opportunity to take images, videos and share and exchange documents anywhere (given that they have an active 3g or 4g connection).
With the advent of mobile technology, a new culture has emerged, a culture of texting instead of calling, sharing images and videos, collaborating on documents through cloud computing, selfies and group photos and location sharing on social media websites. The fact is that smart phones have become so ingrained in our personal lives that functioning without them becomes impossible.
In fact, if you had to function one day without your smart phone, you would feel lost – as if a vital part of your body has been taken away – it’s an eerie feeling!  You may or may have not noticed, but there is a technological shift. People are abandoning their portable data storage devices and instead are switching over to cloud. Cloud services such as One Drive, Google Drive, Box, DropBox and the like are a popular means of accessing your data from anywhere – without the inconvenience of carrying around your portable hard-drive.  
However, as technology becomes more sophisticated, it also become more detrimental to us. The more information we save on our smart phones, the more we are at risk of having it compromised. Thus, this is where the need for mobile data security comes in. Application such as Folder Lock for Android has all the features necessary for securing data with integrated cloud storage.
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