Thursday, 8 May 2014

The issue of information security is almost incurable and the reasons behind it are extremely common. The CEO and the president of Protegrity, Gordon Rapkin has put up some of the most common data security issues and simple solutions for them.
Unaware of your data’s movement and usage
You should be aware of where your data is travelling and who is using it. Without such knowledge, you will not be able to maintain proper security of your records and it will have fair chances of being compromised.
Track down your data and make a series of diagrams describing where your data is actually being at the moment. Cross check with the individuals or the teams that are using such records at the moment and make sure that the position of the data is spot on. Keeping this kind of practice will people aware of the sensitivity of the information.
Treating all data similarly
The majority of the businesses and also the individual computer users commit this mistake of treating all records equally regardless of their sensitivity. Companies should set the protection of different kinds of data according to their worth to the company.
To serve the purpose, companies have to evaluate the sensitivity and importance of such records so that they can apply security accordingly. Details like account information, marketing strategies and clients’ information should be secured using Encryption Software.
Keeping unneeded data
A large number of companies and individual computer users tend to keep irrelevant information in their database. The more data you will have saved in your database, the more difficult it will be to make it protected.
Well, the solution is quite simple; you have to shred all the redundant files and folders from your database. But, remember, orthodox deletion of files will not help your cause; you have to shred files using some software so that they become irrecoverable.
Many companies rely on the third party for the purpose of storing their data and maintaining its security. The organizations use the cloud servers of the third party and expect that that third party will take the responsibility of keeping their records secure solely. However, this approach can a company and can compromise its sensitive information.
There is hardly anything wrong in using the third party cloud server for the purpose of securing data. But, you need to first secure your files and folders in the encrypted lockers and then upload them on the cloud server.

Not opting for foolproof security measures
There are many enterprises and individuals that get settled on the security that is said to be just reasonable. They actually do not make any effort to get their security foolproof. They are just happy in securing their data enough that no a persona having just mediocre computer skills cannot break through. However, stealing information from such security would be just like a walk in the park.
That is why, it is necessary that companies opt for the security measures that are relatively tough to exploit.
The above were some of the basic reasons why this problem of information security has turned into such a big ask. The remedy of this issue is simple and you can easily get control over it as guided you above in the article.
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