Where everything is turning mobile, the need of mobility of data is also getting stronger day by day. Many devices are serving the purpose of making data portable, but, there is no comparison to the service of USB flash drive in making data mobile. Only in last year, more than 20,000,000 USB drives were sold; the number speaks about its popularity and efficiency. However, these jump drives come with a number of built in data security threats.
Deletion of Files does not Really Remove the File
You can store an immense amount of data in a small USB flash drive; however, you cannot delete that data so easily. When you want to remove files from the drive with the orthodox method, it actually does not remove files, but, put a thin sheet over your records. Data deleted from the pen drive can easily be extracted out using recovery tools.
Threat of Getting Misplaced
The biggest strength of USB flash drive is also the its biggest weakness that is its small size. USB pen drives are so small that they can be easily carried anywhere in your pocket, wallet or anywhere. But, this small size also imposes a huge threat of leaking data as these tiny drives are very much prone to getting lost or stolen. Keeping your USB drive with software that cans Secure USB is a wise idea.
Threat of Spreading Malware
USB flash drives have the built in capability of spreading malware. Crooks just need to equip the USB pen drive with the infectious program and somehow give the jump drive to the intended person. As per the statistics suggest, more than 50 percent of the people that find an alien pen drive plug in the drive without having a single thought about the threat of malware.
These are the curses that are associated with the small data storing devices along with millions of blessings.
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