Thursday, 31 October 2013

Family is the most important thing to a person as it is not chosen by any of you, but, it is gifted to you by GOD. As Michael. J. Fox said about the love and pleasure of family:
A happy family is but an earlier heaven.A loving and caring family that supports you in every thick and thin can be your biggest strength and the same love and care can be your biggest weakness that you can’t put them in any difficulty. There are many ways that your family can face trouble, such as putting your family’s data on the cloud without reasonable data security. You may have some wonderful memories captured from your camera and saved in the cloud to preserve them forever such as; your wedding pictures, video of the first walk of your child, photos of a family holiday or other important records. These records or pictures can be stolen from the cloud that can result in big losses for you as well as your family. To make sure your sensitive data and pleasing memories remain safe and secure you ought to take some effective steps.

Data Security
Hacker attacks are the biggest threat to the data that is saved in the cloud. It is recommended by the data security experts to upload Lock Folder. Even if a hacker finds its way through your database and extract some files, he will not be able to access the pictures, videos and other sensitive information about your family. It is quite a handy solution to keep your data secure from getting breached and then getting it misused.

Be Smart while setting up the Password
Password is a far more sensitive issue than you think. People are used to set passwords like ‘123456’ or ‘654321’, but, this negligence can lead you to compromise your data security. Password setting is not simple; you should not set a password that is easy to guess like the date of your wedding anniversary, birthday of your child or your name. The password should be a unique combination of uppercase and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols that is easy to remember, yet difficult to guess. It is also advised by the IT professionals to change the password after every 90 days (maximum).

Avoid using Public Wi-Fi
Using public Wi-Fi is too injurious for your online data security. When you enter your username and password, before reaching the destination, it can be extracted out by an e-crook. Data security experts even forbid to check Facebook on the public Wi-Fi as it can risk your social site’s ID and password.

Data breach threatens you a financial loss, loss of goodwill and in some severe cases, it may get even worse to trouble physically. The cyber criminals are actually criminals that have proper gangs and can harm you and your family. The above guidelines can help you make your data secure, moreover, they can keep your dear family out of many sorts of trouble. A happy family is one of the best blessings that a person can get, so do not act lethargic when it comes to keeping your family happy.
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