Orthodox methods
This is the basic security measure that you can adopt to make your data secure. Go on into the setting of your iPad, activate Passcode lock and enter a four digit code. It will be the code to unlock your iPad’s screen. You can set a particular limit of entering a wrong passcode after which the iPad will automatically remove all data. People allow ten entering of wrong passcode. However, if you have some confidential information, you may set a wrong entry of passcode for five times. It is the built in security measure of iPad.
Look to find lost or stolen devices
There is a feature in iPad called Find My iPad under MobileMe Service. You just have to log into MobileMe using your computer and follow the instructions on screen to activate it. With the help of this application, you will be able to track approximate location. If you have your precious iPad on a public place, somewhere such as subway, you may set passcode from your computer if you have not set yet. Afterwards, you may leave a message on your iPad screen like ‘I have lost my iPad somewhere in subway, if you find that, kindly inform me on this number xxx-xxx-xxxx’. Even if the device is locked, the message will appear on the screen. If you reach the destination where you lost your iPad and still could not find it, you may click the ‘Remove Wipe’ button that will clean all the data in your iPad and secure default settings. If you are fond of keeping confidential data in your iPad, you may use security software like Folder Lock for iPad.
Clean History and other such records
If you do not want anyone to track your activities, it is a simple and effective idea if you clean all the history. Your precious data can recover from your browsing history. Your data is precious; you need to take good care of it. iPads are small and precious, that is why, they are very much prone to get lost or stolen. Thieves usually steal devices such as iPads for due to its dearness, but, moreover, they also extract precious data and sell it in the market. This act of thieves doubles the loss of iPad and harms the user more.
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