Smartphone’s success is basically based on the operating system that it is using. The most commonly used Operating Systems include Android Operating System, which is powered by Google and had launched a number of versions. The latest version of the Android Operating System is known as ‘Android Kit Kat 4.4’. It is being a tradition of Google to name the Android versions after some sort of sweets. The other popular Operating System is iOS that is motorized by Apple, another tycoon. The warriors in the field of Operating System are all the titans of their respective field. The third competitor of this industry is Microsoft, who has the Operating System with the name of the Windows Phone Operating System.
The Windows Phone Operating System is not the newest in the market and also not much underrated, but, the devices that use Windows Phone Operating System are less than Android and iOS. However, The Operating System of Microsoft has some special characteristics that can make it superior from the other two. There are many features that make it a successful Operating System, below are some of the following features are discussed.
The user friendly interface
Probably the best quality of the Microsoft’s Operating System is that, it is extremely convenient for users. The user interface is simple, attractive and extremely insightful. The tiles that this operating system use is completely can be completely customized as per the need of the user. You can choose the apps that you want to keep on the main screen and want to access with a single tap. Moreover, you can manage the size of each tile as per the need of your use. You can also manage the colors of those tiles as per your choice and make that screen more soothing for yourself.
The Lock Screen
The lock screen of a Windows Phone bears all the necessary icons that the user wants or need to have before even unlocking the device. Other than that, you can set up a standard or a Bing image of the day or image from your Facebook albums. These are the distinct features of the Windows OS.
Friendly Main Menu
The main menu of the Windows Phone is also quite user friendly, it has all the apps lined up alphabetically that eases the process of app search for the user.
Equipped with Microsoft Office
All the Windows Phones are equipped with Microsoft Office that allows you to view, edit or create all the documents of MS Word, MS excel, MS PowerPoint and other MS Office software.
No doubt that Windows Phone Operating System is quite an amazing one. This Operating System can become better by getting its security better. Using Folder Lock for Windows Phone can secure your private documents, pictures, videos, notes, voice memos contacts and everything that needs to be secured. Folder Lock for Windows is the extended version of the famous security software Folder Lock. Using Folder Lock for Windows Phone can make your Windows Phone completely secure and the data that is secured by Folder Lock for Windows Phone will become leak proof.
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