Monday, 30 December 2013

Deleting browsing history is one of the many recommendations that Information Technology experts give to the computer users all around the globe. The sort of pressure these IT professionals exert on the cleaning the browsing history suggests the importance of it. A number of benefits are linked to history cleaning. But, deleting history is quite annoying sort of task and a large majority of computer users does not give much of an attention towards it. If you are one of those computer users that do always forget to clean the browsing history. To help those kind of computer users, you can download software History Clean through which you can automate the task of cleaning history. The reasons that you need to keep your browsing history clear are given below.
Interfering People
One of the major reasons to delete history is not to allow interfering people to sneak your browsing that you had done in the recent past. If you have surfed some private sites such as; you may have accessed your bank account, email accounts or have done some online shopping. You may have done nothing wrong while surfing, but, most probably you do not want anyone to see it. Browsing history is the easiest way through which anyone can extract out that what you have been doing on the internet. Make sure that you sign out when you are done.
Renewal of Pages
Another perk of deleting browsing history is that you will be able to view the changes on the websites you are surfing for. If you open a website without deleting history, your browser will automatically take it from your cache and you will only be able to see the old version of the website.
Better Performance
When you will delete the browsing history, your browser will first take a while to upload, but, ultimately your browser’s performance will only get better and better. Actually cleaning history makes cleaning up the junk that was compromising your browser’s performance.
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What Is Secret?
According to the dictionary: Secret is something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
A secret can be a thought, a plan, a past incident or simply anything. In layman’s term, secrets can be of two types, first is negative secret. Negative secret is a secret that you want to remain hidden because revealing it may bring disgrace to you or can stand you guilty. Positive secret can be a thing that you are afraid of losing it. I can be a business idea that can you do not want anyone to know and want to enjoy benefits just by yourself.
There are always confusions in the mind of people regarding secrets. A common question that every person asks to himself is that does my partner/friend/family need to know everything about me? Or I can keep some secrets just to myself. They think that keeping secrets from your partner is that you do not trust her/him completely and keeping and you are betraying your better half. Well, sharing of secrets is considered as a measuring scale of trust, the more you share secrets to someone the more you trust that person. The secrets are usually related to the past, some people has the past that they do not want to recall that is why they do not share anything with anybody. Some people do not share their past, but, their behavior towards some specific things to make obvious what was their past.
Women have the reputation of worst secret keepers. The female specie just does not know how to hide something, if the secret is related to her own life, she would just share it with her best friend, and the secret will just spend as a fire of forest. And definitely, if the secret relates to some other lady’s life, women just keep gossiping for days, weeks, months and even years with her mates. Ladies will just make a storm in a teacup, no matter how vague the secret is.
There is a famous saying about secret of Jean Racine:
“There are no secrets that time does not reveal”
He was definitely a wise man, but, when he made this statement, he did not know that technology will prosper so much in the future and software like Folder Lock will come into existence that never reveal anything that is secured in it. Revealing others’ secrets seem to be quite tempting; people do that without thinking what can be its outcome. For instance, you know a guy that had an intense affair with a girl, you see that guy happily married, ignoring that you just go to his wife and spill out everything you knew about his relationship. Such acts are not fun, it is just psychological disorder.
The rule is simple, once you keep a secret of somebody; he or she will keep your hundreds of secrets undisclosed. Keeping secret is not at all an easy task to perform, no matter if the secret of someone else or your own, if you are prone to leaking secrets out, you will leak them out whether your own hidden truths or someone else’s. People that are really trustworthy are usually very strong by their soul and much loved by the people around him or her.
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Thursday, 26 December 2013

How to Become a Successful SEO

Posted by Tom Riddle | 03:34 Categories: ,
As the technology has prospered the principles of education, business and daily routine works have changed. A similar situation is with marketing strategies, before this internet named thing came on the scene and became popular, the main mediums of advertisement were print media, audio media (radio), visual media (television). But, online marketing is the key marketing technique around the world. Still, visual advertisement is the most effective one, but, e-marketing is much cheaper than visual promotion and give quite reasonable results. The people that do e-marketing are known as online/internet marketers or SEOs (Search Engine Optimizers). To pursue your career successfully as an SEO, you must follow the given instructions.
Selection of the Right Keywords
Keywords play an extremely important role in online marketing. You have to choose words or phrases through which people likely to search your products on search engines such as Google, Bing or etc. For instance if you want to search software such as History Clean, you will probably search with how to automate history cleaning using software.
Choosing an Ideal Title
SEO personals submit articles and press releases in order to get their products noticed via key words. The title of these writing pieces is extremely important for the sake of marketing. If the title is easily searchable, it will definitely help the companies’ cause to target the intended audience.
Update Yourself
SEO is not a trade that you can learn perfectly, there are always new techniques coming your way and old methods of optimizing become outdated and ineffective. That is why you need to keep yourself updated of such new tactics or otherwise you will be left behind. People used to fill annoy forms such as sign up forms or forms for submission manually, if you do not opt for the newer technique to automate this form filling work by using Macro Keys, you will not be able to match the pace of your competitors.
These were some of the steps that can steer you towards your goal of becoming a successful SEO and can benefit your organization big time.
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Monday, 23 December 2013

In the current era, sleep experts are reporting that only the majority of the people all around the world are experiencing lack of night nap. As per the records provided by the National Sleep Foundation, about 42 percent of the people are satisfied with their snooze. If you belong to the other 58 percent of people that do not enjoy their sleep, there are some of guidelines that can help in making your sleep much more pleasant.
Time to Drink Alcohol
If you are fond of drinking alcohol in the span of about 4 to 6 hours before going to bed, it may ruin your sleeping routine. If you take a whiskey, it will make you drowsy for a while, but, afterwards, it will make you restless and affect your sleep.
Do NOT go to Bed with Empty Stomach
There are many people that starve themselves just for the sake of looking slimmer. Being hungry does not make you fit, but, makes you sick. It is advisable to intake a light dinner 3 to 4 hours before lying down on bed for sleep. However, if you are not habitual of it, you should at least take a slightly hot glass of milk as food having carbohydrate helps in getting a pleasant slumber.
Light Exercise or Yoga can Help Your Cause
Light exercise or yoga is the remedy that can help in you getting a satisfying sleep. It can relax your body and mind as well, all the mental tensions that do not let you sleep can be cured through exercise.
Smoking at Wrong Time
Nicotine wears off slumber, which is the reason why people take tea or coffee during working or at the time when they are sleepy at the wrong moment. Cigarettes or cigars also have nicotine, which is why you should avoid smoking before going to bed as nicotine you take will keep you awake.
Keep Electronic Screens Away from Yourselves before Going to Bed
The constantly changing colors on electronic screens such as television screen or monitor screen put your mind in distress. To enjoy a pleasant snooze, your body and mind must be completely relaxed. Sleep experts advise people that they should turn off every such screen at least an hour before going to sleep.
Avoid long Naps
People that take long naps during the day, face difficulty in having a good sleep at night. If you are fond of getting a nap in the daytime, you should sleep more than 30 to 45 minutes.
Do NOT Work till Bedtime
As it is already mentioned above in the article that only a person with relaxed mind can enjoy a pleasant sleep. If you work till late night, you will get exhausted both physically and mentally, your body and brain might take some time to get relaxed; eventually you will not have a full night satisfying sleep.
The above cited are some of the guidelines that can assist you in getting pleasant sleeping time. However, people may experience lack of sleep due to insecurities such as the fear of losing data. If you use software such as Folder Lock can help you getting a fine sleep. Follow the tips given to you by sleep experts and enjoy healthy sleep.
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Video of  Folder Lock:

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Data breach threats are imposed to the every single computer user around the world. But, as the corporate sector always has the lion's share of money and time of the society, similarly cooperates data also impose the greater threat of getting breached. Companies like Symantec work their heart out to spread awareness to computer users around the world regarding data security. To fulfill the purpose, they issue an annual report on the statistics and trends of the data breach throughout the year. Along the trends and statistics, Symantec also guides people to make their data secure. Their advice really usually works and helps a lot in securing data. Here are some the many guidelines provided by Symantec.
Keep your data encrypted
The best way to keep your data secure is to encrypt it. But, you need to encrypt data with preferably some reliable data security software such as Folder Lock. The software would not demand much of an expertise of computer usage and can easily encrypt your data.
Use DLP plan effectively and efficiently
Implementation of DLP plan is essential for company’s data security. Before implementing DLP plan, it is necessary to plan it properly keeping in view the strengths and weaknesses of database’s security. Prepare the steps carefully of DLP like; file auditing, keep check on the flow of data that is coming into the database and going out of it, identify the weaknesses from where your data can leak and how to strengthen it.
Beware of the threats of portable drives
As the IT experts have always rated these small data storing devices such as USB flash drives a great threat to data security. Their small size and immense capability of storing data facilitates its users, on the other hand, it also imposes a threat to data as it is prone to getting lost or stolen. There is also another darker side of these small drives is that; it can be used by the employees to steal data. If it is possible for the business to ban the use of portable drives, the business should ban it. If the nature of business does not allow such a step, the business should mark the portable drives and force the employees to use only those small drives. The trend of BYOD (Bing Your Own Device) should be discouraged for the sake of data security.
Keep your antivirus programs updated
Keeping an antivirus program is not the solution to the huge problem that is faced by the companies and the individuals to protect data. People need to keep such an antimalware program in their computer to secure database that can be updated without much an effort and can protect your database against infectious attacks.
Keeping physical security measures for data security is also necessary, such as monitor employees from CCTV cameras. Business should not take risks regarding their data security. The reason for that is quite simple, according to Mobile Business Statistics For 2012 on an average a data breach incident do make a large company suffer loss of about $429,000 that occurred due to mobile computing accident. So take this piece of worry of data security seriously and keep your data safe.
For more information please visit:
Folder Lock Video:

Monday, 9 December 2013

In today’s world, there are so many worries that a common person gets confused about what he should get worried and for what he should not get worried. There are times that people feel anxious about something and do not really know what the matter is, why they are feeling anxious, that is because many people have something in the back of their mind about which they are unaware. There can be things such as a fear of loss, an upcoming meeting, repayment of a loan or can be about data security. That is right, data security has become really a major problem for computer users and they do not pay the required attention towards it, that is why, computer users remain anxious about it unintentionally.
There are many orthodox and easy techniques of locking folders, one of the most commonly used method of locking folder is as follows;
First of all, you have to click the start button and write “cmd” in run, when the command prompt opens up, type “CD C: Security” (replace the word “Security” with the actual folder name you want to protect). Now type “attrib Security +s +h” (again replace the word “Security” with actual file name). Your folder is now secured, go back to your C drive and if the folder is there, it would not be there. Even, you cannot find that folder with ordinary searches. To unlock the folder, go back to the command prompt and “CD C: Security” (replace the word “Security” again) and after that, type “attrib –s –h”, now you will be able to see your folder again.
Well, the method is common and easy, so, it is understood that it’s easy to make it ineffective too. In order to lock your folders, you can use software that has a user friendly interface and can Lock Folders effectively. Your data is quite precious, you really underestimate its value, once a crook gets his or her hands on it, and you will then come to know that how dear your data was. So keep your data protected and get rid of that awkward anxiety.
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Sunday, 8 December 2013

There has been a battle underway for quite some time of producing the best Operating System for the Smartphone. The main contenders in the race are iOS by Apple, Windows Phone OS by Microsoft and Android by Google. Windows Phone Operating System is the least used OS around the world as compared to iOS and android, however, Microsoft is working hard to get their Operating System a significant place in the market. On the other hand, Apple and Google are going neck to neck to climb the top position. The Apple’s OS is considered as the choice of the elite class that is why it has the demand, whereas, Android is used in an enormous number of devices that range from about $50 to $700. Android is ruling about 80 percent of the market at the moment, but, it has some real security issues as more than 75 percent of the hack attacks against Android get successful.
But, the good news is Android users do not have to worry anymore about their data security as Folder Lock for Android has been launched and you can download the app for FREE! This application is wonderful and has some real security measures to protect your personal data. Some of the mainstream features are given below.
Protects Videos, Photos, Audios and Play and View it in secure mode
No matter which Smartphone you use, it must have been used as a camera a number of times. There can be some personal pictures, videos and audios that relate to your family or friends, which you do not want anyone to see, yet you want to secure them. You can import pictures; video and audio files from gallery, PC or Mac and can secure them in the Folder Lock for Android that can keep it secret from everybody else. You can also access the camera from the app and take pictures or make videos, those pictures and videos will automatically be secured under Folder Lock for Android. You can even enjoy seeing your secured pictures and play the protected videos and audios in the secured interface of the app, which means Folder Lock for Android does not compromise your data security for a single moment.
PC/Mac Feature (Web Server)
PC/Mac feature is an amazing characteristic of the Folder Lock for Android. You have to switch on the web server through the app, the app will show you an IP that you have to enter in any browser (Google Chrome preferably). Afterwards, you will have to enter the password in the browser that you use to access the app, and the data you have secured in the app will appear on your computer/Mac. The changes you will make in data through computer will automatically be made in the data saved in Folder Lock for Android and the changes you will make in the data through the app will be seen on the computer/Mac.
Miscellaneous Features
Folder Lock for Android is not just a security app, but, it is a comprehensive data security solution for your Android device. The app can secure your confidential documents such as financial records so that they do not get leak and make you suffer a loss. The app also allows you to write secure notes that cannot be seen by any prying eyes. It also facilitates you to secure personal contacts that you do not want any spying eyes to see, moreover, the app also assists you to send secret SMS to the groups(s) of contact you have made in the application. Folder Lock for Android simply allows you to secure absolutely anything; it is without any shadow of doubt the best data security application for Android available on the Google Play.
For more information please visit:

Thursday, 5 December 2013

The current year of 2013 has not been over yet and Google has made more than 187.2 million shipments of Android devices. If we calculate the percentage, Android’s shipment rate is about 79 percent of all the shipments that are made for smartphones. The second smartphone that was shipped the most was Apple’s iPhone, the number of smartphones shipped in the span were 31.2 million that shared nearly 31 percent of all the market. Below these two giants were the smartphones that use Microsoft’s Operating System, about 8.7 million pieces were shipped of this OS. Both iPhone and Windows Phones had a growth of about 20 percent in the last one year regarding usage around the world.
Smartphone’s like Galaxy S4, Huawei Ascend, Lenovo and ZTE are boosting the usage of Google’s Operating System around the globe. Small manufacturers are trying to capture the small markets of developing countries via cheap smartphones. The basic reason of Android’s popularity is the wide range of devices that use Android as their basic Operating System. The reason of continuous growth of Windows Phone OS is the tight data security measures. Whereas, Android lacks sufficient measures of securing data, in order to make your data secure, you ought to use Folder Lock for Android.
The battle of producing the best Operating System is underway; the main contenders are Android, iOS and Windows Phone OS. Blackberry has been outclassed by the Windows Phone Operating System as Windows Phone has air tight security barriers, yet refreshing interface. There is no such that iPhone will lose its market in near future, Apple’s users are too loyal with their brand and do not feel comfortable using any other brand. The Android’s secret of success is the wide range of devices, from the expansive smartphone like Samsung Galaxy S4 to the cheap classy Smartphone Huawei Ascend is the variety of Android.
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There is no conflict of opinion that the Google’s Operating System Android is the most widely used smartphone OS around the globe. It shares almost 80 percent of the market share in the international smartphone market. The amount of devices of Android OS has made it a big platform for the makers of malicious programs. Keeping the data security in view, the US government has issued a warning regarding Android threat to information security. In a document that was released a couple of months back notified the police officers, firefighters, emergency medical services and security persons from the much risky threat. The reason of that notice was that version that was released back in 2011 has some serious security issues.
According to the report, the Android contributes more than 79 percent of the mal attacks end successfully for hackers, whereas, on the other side the attacks against iOS has the success rate of only 0.7 percent. Android is the most likely smartphone Operating system to be hit by a mal attack if a user browses via an unsecured hotspot. The reason for the weak security measures in Android is the freedom that Google has given to the hardware producer to make amendments as per needed. Microsoft does not allow any company that produces smartphone to make any sort of change in their Windows Phone OS.
Well, the Smartphone’s that use Android as their Operating System need some reasonable security app like Folder Lock for Android to protect data saved in them. The app can make your videos, photos and audios secure and it also allows you to play and view from the secure interface of the app. Protecting confidential documents is not an issue as Folder Lock for Android facilitates you to secure documents. Other than, you prevent any sort of data from getting leaked as well as you can surf the internet from the private browser of the app so that no one can view your browsing history. It is simply amazing.
For more information please visit:

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Even after horrifying data security concerns, Android has the most number of users around the globe. The reason for that is the wide ranges of devices that use Google’s Operating System, especially the range of price help the OS to grow. iPhone and Windows Phones are not affordable by the middle class and lower middle class people, whereas, Android has fulfilled the dream of those people who cannot afford expansive smartphones. However, due to the lack of data security measures, the organizations are reluctant for opting for the Android Operating System. But, there are certainly some remedies that can make the Google’s OS secure regarding data.
Keep your phone lock:
There is a common saying “Something is better than nothing”, acting on this principle; you must keep your Android device locked with the basic built in screen lock. Do not be lethargic of entering a 4 digit PIN, without this initial screen lock, your Android device is like an open book from which someone can take your personal information out of it. Android has also introduced the face recognition feature also to unlock the screen, but, it can be bullied by putting a picture of that person in front of the front camera. Google is trying to improve these features in the upcoming versions of the OS. Other than that, pattern lock is also kind of an identity of Google. The risk with the pattern lock is that, a clever crook can extract out the pattern by holding the phone in a right direction and see directions of finger swapping.
Keep your device equip with Antivirus:
Google’s Operating System is a perfect platform for the programmers that engineer malware applications. Apart from Google Play, there are hundreds of app store that have unverified Android applications, and some of them can be infectious. That is why it is necessary to keep a reliable antivirus program. The antivirus restricts the mal programs from getting installed in the device and refrain it from running on it. In any Android device, antivirus is a must have app.
Use security application:
Security application like Folder Lock for Android that can password protect your personal pictures, videos, audio files, documents and any every other sort of data should be used to make your information secure. Using such application does not allow your data from falling into the hands of some kind of criminal that can exploit your personal data and can make you suffer a loss.
Download applications from Google Play and check apps permission:
As you know it well that Android has some serious data security threats due to a large number of app store that offer services to the people to download Android apps. It is not possible for Google to verify the millions of apps that are engineered and uploaded every day, so download apps only from the official app store of Google. Other than that, pay attention to the pop ups that appear during downloading of an app. If the OS or antivirus warns you from downloading any application, drop the idea of running that app on your Android device.
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Monday, 2 December 2013

Many eyebrows rose with surprise when the Executive Chairman of Google Eric Schmidt claimed that the Android Operating System is much safer than the Apple’s iOS. The statement was made in the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, Florida. The jaws were dropped by the people who were listening to Eric. Adrian Ludwig, the Android Security Chief presented a last minute at the Virus Bulletin conference in Berlin in which he tried to explain that the Android OS is equipped with a multiple layer security measures that protects your phone from the attacks of malicious applications. He further added that more than 0.001 percent of the malicious can pass this multiple layer defense of the Android OS.
However, according to the reports if anti-virus firms such as Trend Micro revealed that the incidents of data leakage has passed the one million mark recently, and the majority of them relates to the Android devices. Anti malware and antivirus firms have a firm believe that the Google’s Operating System is targeted by crooks and the greater part of these attacks gets successful? The Android OS is said to have these security layers Google Play, unknown sources warning, install confirmation, Verify Apps consent, Verify Apps warning, Runtime analysis and the permissions-based sandbox that each app must operate within.
But, the problem with these security layers is that, the message Android security barriers show to the users are in the shape of such pop ups to which users do not pay much of an attention and clicks blindly. In order to keep your data protected that is saved in an Android device, you can use a data security application such as Folder Lock for Android. Some people blame the Android users more than the OS itself as the user is the one who has to make decisions, and without much of a concern he just taps the option ignoring the message written in it. So, not only the Android OS, but, also the users are responsible of poor security measures of the Android.
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Thursday, 28 November 2013

The Operating System of Android is being used by hundreds of millions of users around the globe. But, the Google has not engineered one of the most sophisticated OS regarding data security as it contributes huge in data leakage. According to the latest report obtained by the Public Intelligence, the U.S Department of Homeland and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are fully aware of the threats imposed by the lack of security barriers in the program. More than 40 percent of the Android users around the world are using older versions between Android 2.3.3 to 2.3.7 i.e. Gingerbread. In those versions, many of the security bugs were not fixed that have been fixed in the latter versions.
There is nothing mentioned in the report about how much of the government officials of the US use an outdated version of the Android. But, there must a number of government officials who would have been using older versions of the Android OS; this thought is quite a horrifying one. As you know, a small incident of data breach by an employee can make the whole organization suffer, so is the case of government information would be different? Well, there is a big question mark on this statement. To tackle the problem of data breach is to dump the old devices for the newer ones.
Other than that, use of data security app such as Folder Lock for Android that can password protect your photos, videos, audio files, sensitive documents, secret notes, private contacts and other important data that needs some reasonable security. The Android OS is rated as one of the biggest threats imposed to data security by the experts. There is a need to make your information secure, otherwise, even a small case of data breach can haunt you for ages and it is hard to recover from that trauma.
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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

There is nothing in the world that is perfect and has no vulnerabilities. The situation is not much different regarding the Smartphone’s Operating Systems. No matter you use iOS, Windows Phone OS, Blackberry or android, all the Operating Systems have some weaknesses. Android has much weaknesses related to data security that is why the percentage of successful mal attacks against the OS is nearly as high as up to 80 percent. To overcome the data security lacking of the Google’s OS, here are some simple guidelines that can make some big differences.
Do not leave your phone open for any unwanted access:
Try to keep your phone closer to you and do not leave it lying somewhere around unknown people. But, there can be mistakes like you forget to pick up your phone when leaving a party or such similar case. For such rainy days, you need to lock your phone with orthodox locking methods such as setting up a password either typing passwords or the pattern one, but, you just cannot keep your Android phone without any sort of security.
Install apps just from the official app store i.e. Google Play:
Android has more than 500 different sorts of devices that use Android as their basic Operating System; it is not easy for the Google to test every app that is to be released for Android. The Google’s OS is the perfect platform the mal programmers as they can upload infectious programs on different Android app stores that harm the users. So keep in mind that you only should get apps for your Android from Google Play, there are a number of app stores available online for the Android and it is a big threat. According the data security experts nearly 99 percent of the malicious programs are spread through bogus apps uploaded on a number of unauthorized app stores.
Avoid clicking unknown links in emails:
It is not a new trick of bullying innocent users; hackers have been practicing the technique of putting a mal link in an email and tempt the user to click it. Once you click that link, you open many doors for the hackers to your database. That is the reason that the data security experts always forbid the users to click on suspicious links contained in the strangers’ emails. The technique that the hackers have used for ages to trap the computer users, but, the method is much effective against the Android users.
Use data security app:
In order to make your data secured that is saved on your Android device, you ought password protect it with a reliable data security app such as Folder Lock for Android. You can lock and hide your private pictures, videos, audio files, documents, notes, contacts and everything you desire to make secure. You need to put up a strong password so that it is hard for the crooks to guess it.
If you follow the above given guidelines for data security, your data will surely become leak proof and you would not have to worry about your data’s security.
For more information please visit:

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Blackberry was the Operating System that used to rule the enterprise phone market like a king. But, the things have changed now and iOS and Android has become the new champions in the race of smartphone Operating systems. The trend of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) has boosted the use of these Operating Systems and the culture of using Blackberry devices reduced. The use of the iPhone is reliable for the corporate use, but, it is near to impossible to make the Android devices secure as there are more than 500 Android devices available at the moment. Many people do not believe that Android devices are secure enough to be used for corporate use, but, the fact is that it can be secured by following these given guidelines.

Use the Latest Android Version
The security barriers in the Android Operating Systems are usually very unsatisfactory, but, if you are using an outdated version of the OS, the scenario can turn even worse. Google added the basic encryption facility for the first time in the version 3.0 of Android, before that version, any Android device used to leak data without showing any resistance. The earliest versions of the Operating Systems had absolutely no security measures protect data.

Be Careful while Downloading Apps
One of the biggest perks of using Android Operating systems is also its one of the biggest drawbacks, so be careful. Dissimilar from iOS or Windows Phone OS, you can download Android apps from many app stores other than the official app store of Google i.e. Google Play. It has made the unofficial Android app stores a platform for the programmers of malware programs. In the previous year of 2012, mobile malware increased by 163 percent and 95 percent of them was related to the Android Operating System. Android 4.2 was the first version that had some reasonable protection against viruses.

Use Security Applications
To keep a device secure, there is always an obvious need of keeping a security application and keep it up to date. As there are many fake or mal applications available for the Android Operating system, you have to opt for an app that is reliable and provide the ultimate data security such as Folder Lock for Android. As it can lock and hide your pictures and videos, voice memos, documents, personal notes confidential contacts and anything that is needed to be secured. The application is not just an ordinary program, but, it is a complete data security plan for your Android smartphone.

The biggest problem is that the smartphone users take the security of data saved in smartphones too light. Whereas, these small data breaches are so cruel that an incident of data leakage can lead towards the breach of records of the whole organization. A security expert explained that if a crook gets able to access the database of an employee, he can found a passage to his Google cloud applications and get hold of the weblogin that user uses to access all the Google services. So, these small mistakes can lead you to suffer some big losses, so stay secure and follow the guidelines given by the experts.

For more information please visit:

Monday, 25 November 2013

IT experts have always warned the computer users to avoid using public wifi in order to maintain their data security. The principle does not only apply to the users who use a PC or Mac, but, the users who surf websites using Smartphone via unsecured wifi should also beware of the threat. Especially the users of Android when it was first released were strictly warned from using the unsecured wifi after a research that proved that the Google’s Operating System has some real security flaws that can leak users’ data. A research conducted at the Ulm University of Germany  a couple of years back found that it was pretty easy for the hackers to access Android device’s database from Google’s photo sharing, calendar and contacts applications. Other than that, the widely used service of Gmail was also a gateway for the hackers to the 99 percent of the Android devices.
It was claimed by the Google that the security issues have been fixed in the second released version of Android, but, that claim has very little truth in it. The Operating System on Google is ruling about 80 percent of the Smartphone market, but, indeed it is not the safest of Operating Systems. As the facts suggest, more than 80 percent of the mal attacks get successful against the Android devices, this is really threatening regarding the data security as it can make you suffer some big losses. Android is a wonderful Operating Systems that is operated on a wide range of devices, so what is the remedy of this security concern?
The solution is very simple, using an application such as Folder Lock for Android that can secure anything you just name. It can lock and hide photos, videos, audios, documents, notes, voice memos, contacts and every single thing that you desire to secure. Moreover, with its feature PC/Mac, you can connect your Android smartphone with a computer without a data cable. To be honest, it is not just an app; it is a comprehensive data security plan for your Android which you can download absolutely FREE! So, just enjoy using your Android phone and just put the worries of losing data aside.
For more information please visit:


Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Hack attack is one of the worries for computer users that always haunt them. Hackers are such a genius species, but, they use their intelligence in the wrong manner. In order to prevent yourself from being a victim of such attack, below are some of the guidelines that can keep you safe.
Beware of clicking alien links
Usually, hackers trap their victim by pushing him or her towards clicking a link that is set by them and a single click on the link opens up many doors for hackers to reach the victim’s database. These kinds of links are often placed in the mal emails that hackers send to the computer users in bulk and ask them to click the link.
Set up strong passwords
The majority of the computer users do not really pay the much needed attention towards setting up a strong password. A strong password is the first line of defense for your database against hackers attack. A password should be a combination of about at least eight characters of upper and lower case letters along with the symbols and numbers. Change the password every now and then and avoid using dates, names or a combination of letters that are located nearby on the keyboard as a password.
Use anti malware programs
Anti malware programs are really handy in order to avoid hack attacks that are done through spreading different sorts of computer viruses. However, only keeping antivirus software will not help your cause, you need to update it on a regular basis so that it can protect your computer with the most advanced malware. Other than that, you need to use data security software that can act as a digital File Lock for your sensitive data.
Be careful while online shopping
Online shopping has always imposed some real threats to your financial data. Hackers design a different online shopping website that looks pretty authentic, but, when you give your required details such as name, email address, credit card number and phone number, it all gets saved in hackers’ database and then they try to bully you. Another precaution measure is that you should never use unsecured Wi-Fi connection to shop online. Stealing information from such hotspot connection is really a piece of cake for the hackers.
Avoid storing your card details on the web
The cloud technology is quite a useful one, but, it has some real drawbacks such as lack of security. Card number can lead you to a number of frauds that is why try to password protect it on your computer.
Keep your Smartphone and tablets secure
Smartphone and tablets are one of the devices that contribute big data leakages. As these smart phones and tablets have the capability to store huge amount of data and are very much prone to getting lost and stolen, when these gadgets are lost, all the information can easily be extracted out if they are not secured.
As wise people have said that precaution is better than regret, the above mentioned precaution can save you from a lifelong regret of sustaining a big loss. Data breach is such a curse that it won’t leave you after hurting for once; you will face its immense impact for ages, so be careful and be safe.
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Monday, 18 November 2013

The Android Operating System that has the lion's share of nearly 80 percent of the market and the rest is shared by the other Operating Systems. In the last year of 2012 and the quarter of 2013, almost 187.4 million Android phones shipped; on the other hand only 31.2 million iPhones were shipped that is merely 13.2 percent of the market share. Windows Phone OS powered phones were the least to be delivered with just 8.7 million units that is 3.7 percent share of the market. Android and iOS are ruling the market of Smartphone at the moment, but, Windows Phone OS is also making room for them in the market.
The sales of Windows Phones have reached its highest level in the three month period ending in July. Windows Phone’s market has been increased up to 8.2 percent in some of the big European countries like the United Kingdom, France and even Germany. The citizens of countries such as; Australia, Mexico and some other countries are opting for Windows Phone and have got almost the 12 percent of the market share. In the presence of iOS and Android, it seems like there is no other Operating System available in the market. But, Windows Phone is emerging as a strong contender to take over the market of the Operating System.
The reason for Windows Phone’s success is its UI, stability and security. Android has quite some loopholes that in the end contribute in data breaches. Whereas, Windows Phone is quite efficient in securing data and Folder Lock for Windows Phone increases its efficiency even more. The new users who are switching to smart phones are opting for Windows Phone as it is the most user friendly OS and is available in a vast variety of devices. Almost 42 out of 100 first time Smartphone buyers are going for Windows Phone, this percentage is much higher than of Android or iOS.
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Sunday, 17 November 2013

No matter what size of data you have, it is always on the target of cyber crooks to be attacked. Some months back in the current year, Yahoo Japan informed the users that they been hit by a hack attack in which they have compromised the information of about 22 million people. Earlier that incident Living Social an online daily dealing website revealed that unfortunately hackers have stolen the personal information of almost half a billion of the customers. These two attacks show how big the concern of online crime has become. There is no country, city, area or even an individual in the world that can claim that he or she has no threat to his or data for getting breached.

Cyber attack not only pinch sensitive data from you, but, also hurt you financially and harms your reputation quite a lot. As a study suggest when a person loses his identity or his delicate records, he can likely become a victim of fraud of in more than 240 ways. The terrifying part of data breach is that the victim. Every sector leaks a fair amount of data including industrial sector, the financial sector and the sector that leaks contributes most in data breach is healthcare sector. Data can be leaked either by the user himself or the company that has asked the customer to provide their personal information with a promise to keep it secure, but, they fail to do so. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights’ recent HIPAA revealed in their report that in the last 4 years (2009-2013) there have been about 78,000 recorded of information leakage. These compromised records imposed the penalties and losses of a sum of more than $15 million. The sector that contributed the lion's share in these leakages is the health care sector. The data security experts do advise some precautions and remedies, one of those is to use data security software that cans Lock Folders. Other than that, you must have the knowledge of how sensitive your data is and where have you kept it.
It is necessary to keep important to secure important information under strong password-protection, encrypt data, set up firewalls and regular update of antivirus programs. According to the law of Massachusetts, it is necessary for the business to encrypt the personal information that is saved in portable drives. The insider threat is not an alien term when you talk about data breaches. It is not necessary that the employees leak data for a purpose such as for selling data further or to make the company suffer. Usually employees leak information accidentally by losing portable drives or sending confidential emails to strangers by mistake. It is necessary to educate employees regarding the sensitivity of data security and Dos and Don’ts regarding it. The above given guidelines can help you avoid the majority of the horrifying data breaches that cause big losses. If a company loses data even after following the precautions that expert advice, they must notify the users that their personal records have been compromised as soon as possible. Notifying the users can control destruction to some extent for instance if credit card numbers have been stolen by a group of hackers, knowing the fact, users that deactivate their credit cards that will help their cause. This data security problem is ruthless and its graph is increasing day by day.
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Tuesday, 12 November 2013

The best way you can defeat your enemy is to know their strength and weaknesses, their style of attack and tactics they use. The scenario is not much different in the case of the foes of your data. There is no doubt that hackers are the biggest enemy of your sensitive records, to protect your data from these e-crooks, you need to be aware of their tactics.

Sniffer is the technique through hackers tries to catch the packets during the transition on the internet. They grasp the IDs and passwords through these channels and then use it for their own good.
Spoofing is also another known and probably the most commonly used technique by the hackers to bully innocent users. In this method, they simply a fake email address or a website and ask their IDs, passwords or even credit card numbers through it.
Trojan horse
It is a skillful and technical way to hunt prey for hackers. The Trojan horse technique is the one in which they add an instruction in a software that leads them to leak their data through different sources.
Malicious apps
Hackers are quite brainy and they use the latest techniques to fulfill their devilish desires. The cyber criminals develop small apps that are coded in reliable computer languages, but, they are prone to make your computer sick and it eventually spits out data. Sometimes these apps can extract out passwords that you enter into different places.
Dumpster Driving
In this kind of data theft attempt, the hackers scan the dumped information of companies and try to find something that can help them in stealing information.
These were some of the common effective techniques used by the hackers to fool the computer users. You can avoid these breaches if you keep yourself attentive. Other than that, using security software that can Lock Folders can also help you in tackling these criminals. Individuals and small companies are an easy target for the hackers that are why they tend to get their data. Keep your database well protected as these data breaches are extremely costly.
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