Thursday, 13 November 2014

Can you think of a person who doesn’t use computers? It’s hard to imagine a life without personal computers. If you go back to the 1960’s, you’ll notice that people needed large file cabinets to store all their personal documents, and offices needed type writers to type up letters. There was no such thing as the internet, so companies had limited research and communication capabilities – it wasn’t as simple as emailing customers or distributors about a particular order – instead you had to resort to sending snail mail. In a nutshell, life without computers had limited productivity and considerable limitations.
Today, nearly everyone needs to use a computer at one point or another. If you are a student, you need a computer to conduct school related research or perhaps you are required to write up class essay. If you are a professional, you need the aid of a computer to use accounting software, work on spreadsheets or perhaps design power point projects. Whether it’s checking the daily stock prices, check the tracking of a shipment, reading up on the latest headlines, looking up important facts or communicating with friends, chances are you are going to need the help of a computer. Today, all information has gone digital – no paper and no file folders – everything is stored on servers, cloud servers or computer hard-drives. One might think – in the most naïve sense – that computers are one of the greatest inventions of all time – and that they are the epitome of the perfect invention. However, computers – and the data that is stored them in particular – have given rise to an unexpected evil. You see, data is so valuable, that it is often compared to gold.
Personal information such as your date of birth can hold immense significance. For hackers and data thieves, stealing personal information provides enormous rewards without the risk of being caught. You see, stealing data is easy; hackers can connect to your stationary PC and download all your personal information, plus the lack of enforcement of cyber-crime laws make it nearly impossible to prosecute and catch criminals. Thus, stealing data has become easy as stealing candy from a baby.  Consequently, those who have taken the appropriate protection measures are immune and those who cannot afford to safeguard their personal data are most at risk. According to experts, encryption of personal data is the only true and real means of safeguarding data – without encryption the safety of your personal information cannot be guaranteed. In the past, average computer users couldn’t encrypt their data and theft of personal information was widespread. Today, with the advent of consumer targeted encryption software such as Folder Lock 7, it has become impossible for hackers to steal data – at least when data is encrypted using such software. With these desktop based software, users can encrypt their data in a matter of seconds – encrypting data is as simple as creating a self-executable encrypted locker – and simply dragging and dropping the data into that encrypted locker. Accessing confidential data is as simple as entering your password – once correct password is entered – decryption only takes a few seconds.

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